GrabFood telah beroperasi aktif di seluruh area Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Bandung, Bali, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Solo, Manado, Batam, Bandar Lampung, Cirebon, Samarinda, Pekanbaru, Balikpapan, Padang, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Jambi, Sukabumi, dan Cimahi.
Buat kamu yang sedang menjalankan usaha kuliner harus tahu cara daftar Grab Food. Dengan tergabung dengan mitra Grab, kamu dapat mengembangkan usaha. Tidak hanya pembelian di tempat, tapi juga melayani pesanan secara online.
Kejadian Grab Food tentunya sangat membantu pengusaha kuliner. Dengan Grab Food, akan lebih banyak konsumen yang bisa menjangkau restomu. Dengan demikian angka penjualan akan meningkat.
Tapi ternyata masih ada beberapa yang belum paham bagaimana cara mendaftar sebagai mitra Grab Food. Oleh karena itu, berikut akan diberikan panduannya secara lengkap. Termasuk beberapa persyaratan yang diperlukan.
Tips Memaksimalkan Penjualan di GrabFood
Persaingan di GrabFood memang cukup ketat, terlebih lagi usahamu berada di kota besar. Agar bisa memaksimalkan penjualan, perhatikan beberapa tips di bawah ini:
Demikianlah panduan dan cara daftar Grab Food melalui aplikasi Grab Merchant. Lengkapi semua dokumen persyaratan agar pendaftaran disetujui. Setelah akun toko diaktifkan, perhatikan tipsnya agar ramai pembeli.
Tunggu Verifikasi Data dan Dokumen
Pada bagian selanjutnya, ceklis persetujuan Syarat dan Ketentuan. Klik
, lalu kirimkan aplikasi pendaftaran. Setelah itu, kamu harus menunggu data diverifikasi kurang lebih 1—3 hari kerja.
Syarat Daftar Grab Food
Sebelum membahas caranya, kamu harus tahu apa saja persyaratannya. Lengkapi data dan dokumen berikut ini agar proses pendaftaran lebih cepat dan mudah:
Selanjutnya akan dijelaskan bagaimana cara daftar Grab Food secara lengkap. Pendaftaran dilakukan melalui aplikasi Grab Merchant. Jadi, instal dulu aplikasinya kemudian ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:
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GrabFood is actively operating in Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Bandung, Bali, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Solo, Manado, Batam, Bandar Lampung, Cirebon, Samarinda, Pekanbaru, Balikpapan, Padang, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Jambi, Sukabumi, and Cimahi.
Dear GrabMerchant Partner,
Pleased to announce that you have completed all the steps to become a GrabFood Merchant on Grab Platform.
Your store information is being uploaded on the Grab system by our Operation Team. After that, Grab will send another notification to you after the store is activated and eligible to operate on GrabFood.
Please note: do not change the store name and address within 60 (sixty) days from the day the store is activated on the Grab system. Grab reserves the right to refuse and/or not support your request about this information within the above time.
Please follow the instructions below to prepare for the process of becoming a GrabFood Merchant:
Download the GrabMerchant app on Google Play/ Play Store or
Download the GrabMerchant app on App Store
*Note: Please use a device with Android OS 6.0 or above or IOS 12.0 or above.
Please check your email [email protected] to get login credentials from Grab:
– Username (email address registered with Grab)
– Temporary password (valid within 15 days & 5 days/ time)
Access to the GrabMerchant app then input login credentials in step 2. After login, set your own password and save it for the next login
For smooth and effective operation as well as stable business growth with Grab, we would like to invite you and your employees to attend Online Courses via “GrabAcademy” with topic “Basic training course for New Merchant” within 21 days. Failure to complete training courses may result in account suspension until completion (please skip this course if it has been completed).
Join GrabFood page Cộng đồng Đối tác Nhà hàng GrabFood (Trang chính thức) via link in order to get your account activated and be informed about News, New Features, Tips for Effective Operation or Sharing from other Merchant-partners.
When becoming a GrabFood Merchant, please note the following information:
1. Regularly check your email and inbox app or access Merchant Blog via link to receive the full information from Grab
2. Download the GrabMerchant guideline via link and stick at your store to ensure your employees understand the basic operations.
3. For smooth and effective operation as well as stable business growth with Grab, please make sure you and your employees working directly at the restaurant are all clear about “How to use GrabMerchant app” by attending online workshop from Monday to Friday at 09:00 A.M (45 mins) via link
3. In addition to service fee and activation fees in accordance with Agreement, Grab does not collect any additional fees when registering as a GrabFood Merchant and/or while active on Grab platform, unless Grab has further notice.
Grab will send you GrabFood stickers by post in the next 2-3 weeks. Please attach this sticker in the front of your restaurant to make it easier for our driver-partners to find your restaurant.
For further information, please visit the link or contact Grab via Help Center on GrabMerchant App or via link
Wishing you a great journey with Grab!
Aktifkan Layanan GrabFood
Di aplikasi Grab Merchant ini bisa mengaktifkan layanan GrabFood dan GrabMart. Karena kamu ingin mendaftarkan usahamu, aktifkan dengan cara berikut:
Lengkapi Data dan Dokumen
Berikut ini bagian yang paling penting. Agar pendaftaran di GrabFood pasti disetujui, lengkapi semua data dan dokumen yang diminta.