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Phương thức đảm bảo quyền riêng tư có thể khác nhau, chẳng hạn như dựa trên các tính năng bạn sử dụng hoặc độ tuổi của bạn. Tìm hiểu thêm.
Holywings Grup membuka tempat hiburan Golden Tiger di Kemang, Jakarta Selatan. Kelab itu berdiri di atas lahan yang sebelumnya ditempati oleh Holywings Tavern Kemang yang ditutup usai tersandung masalah konten promosi.
Dalam instagram @goldentiger.club yang dipantau CNNIndonesia.com, Kamis (13/10), profil laman media sosial ini menuliskan tagline atau slogan yang sama seperti Holywings yakni #NeverStopFlying.
Selain itu, dalam profil tersebut juga disebutkan Golden Tiger merupakan bagian dari HWG alias Holywings Group.
"Introducing our Kemang Club," tulis Golden Tiger dalam unggahan akun Instagraamnya.
PR Manager Corporate Alwine mengonfirmasi pembukaan tempat nongkrong baru itu. Namun, ia membantah Holywings Kemang berganti nama menjadi Golden Tiger. "Itu buka baru. Proyek baru," ujarnya.
Juli lalu, Holywings menjadi buah bibir setelah melakukan promosi minuman alkohol gratis setiap Kamis untuk mereka yang bernama Muhammad dan Maria.
Masyarakat menilai promosi minuman dengan menggunakan kedua nama tersebut sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum karena menghina simbol agama Islam dan Nasrani. Imbasnya gerai Holywings di seluruh Indonesia pun ditutup massal oleh pemerintah daerah.
Pasalnya, setelah ditelisik, Holywings juga melanggar hukum karena tidak memiliki izin menjual minuman beralkohol. Dari kasus ini enam orang staf Holywings sudah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka.
Tersangka ini dijerat pasal berlapis yakni Pasal 14 Ayat 1 dan Ayat 2 UU RI No 1 Tahun 1946 dan juga Pasal 156 atau Pasal 156 a KUHP.
Kemudian Pasal 28 Ayat 2 UU RI No 19 tahun 2016 tentang perubahan atas UU RI No 11 Tahun 2008 tentang ITE. Adapun ancaman maksimal 10 tahun kurungan penjara.
Sebelumnya, Pengacara Kondang Hotman Paris Hutapea sebagai salah satu pemegang saham mengumumkan pembukaan kembali Holywings Beach Fest di Bali, namun namanya diganti menjadi Atlas Beach Fest.
"Akhirnya resmi dibuka beach club terbesar di dunia, Atlas Beach Festival di Berawe Beach, Canggu, Bali," kata Hotman lewat akun resmi Instagramnya pada Juli lalu.
Kemudian, Holywings Palembang juga memutuskan untuk mengganti nama menjadi Gold Dragon Bar agar bisa beroperasi kembali. Tak hanya itu, manajemen juga melepas kerja sama dengan PT Palembang Sayap Berjaya.
"Ini sikap jajaran manajemen menyikapi tuntutan publik. Holywings Palembang sangat terdampak dan mengalami kerugian karena terpaksa tutup setelah baru tiga pekan opening," ujar Manajer Gold Dragon Bar Joko Heryadi pada Agustus lalu.
Kendati, Joko menuturkan manajemen masih mematangkan rencana pergantian nama tersebut.
"Kita pun juga harus segera memikirkan nasib para pegawai, ada 78 orang karyawan yang berhenti bekerja sejak penutupan. Mereka pun terus bertanya ke manajemen kapan buka kembali. Kitanya rugi. Pusat yang promo kita yang kena imbas, maka kita putuskan lepas dari Holywings yang berpusat di Jakarta," ucapnya.
Selanjutnya, Holywings di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan juga resmi berganti nama menjadi Pentagon dan Helens usai kasus penistaan agama akibat promosi alkohol gratis menggunakan nama Muhammad dan Maria tersebut.
Perubahan nama Holywings kafe dan bar itu dibenarkan Kepala Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPM-PTSP) Kota Makassar, Andi Zulkifli Nanda.
"Sudah ada izin restoran dan bar. Datanya sudah ada di sistem OSS," kata Andi Zulkifli, Senin (15/8).
Dữ Liệu Được Dùng Để Theo Dõi Bạn
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Quyền Riêng Tư Của Ứng Dụng
Nhà phát triển, International Games System Co., Ltd., đã cho biết rằng phương thức đảm bảo quyền riêng tư của ứng dụng có thể bao gồm việc xử lý dữ liệu như được mô tả ở bên dưới. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy xem chính sách quyền riêng tư của nhà phát triển.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Color variation of Tiger
A golden tiger, sometimes called a golden tabby tiger, is a Bengal tiger with a colour variation caused by a recessive gene. Like white tigers and black tigers, it is a morph, and not a separate subspecies. Known for its blonde or pale-golden color and red-brown (not black) stripes, the golden tiger colouring comes from a recessive trait referred to as "wideband" which affects the production of black during the hair growth cycle.[1] Tiger colorations that vary from the typical orange-with-black-stripe do occur in nature, but in a very small percentage.[2]
Captive breeding lines
All golden tabby tigers in captivity seem traceable to a white tiger called Bhim,[3] a white son of a part-white Amur tiger named Tony. Tony is considered to be a common ancestor of all white tigers in North America. Bhim was a carrier of the wide band gene and transmitted this to some of his offspring. Bhim was bred to his sister Sumita (also a carrier of the wide band gene), giving rise to stripeless white tigers (i.e. having two copies of the wide band gene). Bhim was also bred to a normal orange tigress called Kimanthi, and then to his own orange daughter Indira from that mating. The mating of Bhim and Indira resulted in striped white, stripeless white, normal orange, and golden tabby offspring indicating that both Bhim and his daughter carried the wide band gene.[4] When the golden tabby male offspring was mated to the normal orange female offspring, both golden tabby tigers and white tigers resulted.
Litters of different coloured cubs are not unusual because the white and golden tabby colours are caused by combinations of hidden recessive genes carried by the parents. White tigers, such as Dreamworld's Mohan (named after the white tiger captured in India in the 1950s), are highly inbred. Inbreeding reduces genetic variability and may cause hidden genes to manifest as there is a greater probability that two recessive genes will meet up.
Analysis of golden tiger family trees shows that golden tigers are genetically normal orange coloured tigers with the addition of a recessive modifying gene, probably the wide band gene. This same wide band gene also gives rise to stripeless white tigers. A white tiger that inherits two copies of the recessive wide band gene will be a stripeless white. A normal orange tiger that inherits two copies of the recessive wide band gene will be a golden tabby. The wide band gene is carried independently of the white gene.
Tay An industrial clusterTien Hai districtThai Binh province
Đồ Da Golden Tiger - Công Ty TNHH Golden Tiger Việt Nam
NHÀ TÀI TRỢ Được xác minh
VP Chính: Phòng 711, Tòa Nhà SaiGon Paragon, Số 3 Nguyễn Lương Bằng, P. Tân Phú, Q. 7, TP. Hồ Chí Minh (TPHCM)
Nhà Máy 1: Lô Diện Tích 7.672 m2, CCN Tây An, TT. Tiền Hải, H. Tiền Hải, Thái Bình. Nhà Máy 2: Nhà Máy B2-2A, Lô B, KCN Long Hậu, H. Cần Giuộc, Long An.